Data Generation Support Services

To directly support its geotechnical consulting practice, SGS has invested heavily in field exploration equipment, specialized technologies, and a state-of-the-art testing laboratory to seamlessly provide its experts with timely, reliable, and meaningful data so they can confidently deliver appropriate geotechnical recommendations and engineering design solutions to our clients.

In addition to directly supporting GSG’s Geotechnical Consulting Practice, data generated from its field exploration and laboratory testing services also supports client requested GSG earth retention system designs.

On occasion, GSG will further deliver its subsurface exploration and laboratory services to clients not utilizing GSG’s geotechnical expertise.

Additional Services

In addition to GSG’s Geotechnical Consulting Practice, and with data from our in-house field exploration and laboratory services, we also provide – primarily for existing clients — earth retention system designs and construction inspection services and for other parties, independent forensic investigations/failure analyses.

Exploration Services

Laboratory Testing Services

Earth Retention Systems

Construction Inspection

We have inspected the construction of many of the walls that we have designed. We also have been retained to investigate wall failures as an independent consultant.

Failure Analyses