- Project Location: Bangor, Maine
- Services Provided:
- Geotechnical explorations
- Laboratory testing
- Geotechnical consulting
- Subgrade inspections
- Project Summary:
- Construction of a 160,000 sf Arena Complex to replace former Civic Center & Auditorium
- Project Challenges / Innovation:
- SGS prepared engineering report for the design and construction of new arena complex
- Geotechnical considerations included variation in subgrade soils including marine deposits and glacial till with variable depths of groundwater and bedrock
- Successfully completed geotechnical design utilizing a spread footing foundation system
- Earthwork included 30-foot excavation of existing embankment to construct new arena
- Successfully provided geotechnical explorations, lab testing, and consulting on the project and met the client’s timeline
- Provided geotechnical consulting through design and construction to include subgrade inspection for variable soil conditions, review of soil material testing reports, and the removal of former foundations related to the former civic center and auditorium.