- Project Location: Augusta, Maine
- Services Provided:
- Geotechnical explorations
- Laboratory testing
- Geotechnical consulting
- Subgrade inspections
- Retaining wall design
- Project Summary:
- Construction of a 12,000 sf multi-story senior housing facility
- Construction of associated retaining walls for site development
- Project Challenges / Innovation:
- SGS prepared engineering report for the design and construction for the building structure, pavement areas, stormwater treatment ponds, and retaining walls for site development.
- Geotechnical considerations included variation in subgrade soils including marine deposits and glacial till with variable depths of groundwater and bedrock
- Successfully completed geotechnical design utilizing a spread footing foundation system
- Separately completed construction drawings for segmental block retaining walls
- Provided geotechnical explorations with a combination of test pits and test borings
- Provided geotechnical consulting through design and construction to include subgrade inspection for variable soil conditions and construction of the retaining walls