- Project Location: Maine
- Services Provided:
- Geotechnical Explorations (test borings or test pits)
- Resistivity Testing
- Laboratory Testing
- Geotechnical Consulting (foundation recommendations)
- Project Summary:
- New solar array structures supported on piles (driven, pre-dilled, or helical) or ballast blocks
- Arrays typically range in size from 5 to 20 acres
- Project Challenges / Innovation:
- Variable site conditions (wooded sites, fields, gravel pits).
- Robust laboratory testing for corrosion evaluation.
- Exploration scope is tailored to project based on size, site access, and subgrade conditions.
- Geotechnical considerations often include evaluation of foundations on soil or bedrock.
- SGS has experience providing geotechnical services for more than 25 solar farms across Maine in the past 3 years.
- Exploration services and geotechnical recommendations as stand-alone projects or as batch project sites for various clients.