- Project Location: Camden, ME
- Services Provided:
- Geotechnical consulting for replacement water storage tank.
- Project Summary:
- Water tank is 102 feet in height, 38 feet in diameter, with a storage capacity of approximately 865,000 gallons.
- The above ground tank includes a ring wall foundation with a flexible membrane liner system.
- Project Challenges / Innovation:
- Geotechnical challenges included a steep side slope requiring a 10-foot cut/fill resulting in the use of a retaining wall.
- Subsurface conditions consisted of glacial till containing frequent cobbles and boulders overlying bedrock.
- Groundwater springs were present within the glacial till from runoff generated by the adjacent hillside.
- The retaining wall consisted of a Stone Strong gravity wall.
- Ground improvement included stabilization with geotextile fabric and crushed stone for stabilization of the tank foundations.
- An upslope cutoff drain was also incorporated to provide drainage for the seasonal groundwater springs.